
13 Ways to Cope with Tattoo Pain

Keep it in mind that beauty comes with a price. Nobody can get a tattoo without pains.
According to what we have mentioned before, you may have a certain cognition of the factors affecting tattoo pain. Today I’ll share some ways to help cope with tattoo pain.
tattoo model in blue
1. Remember why you want to tattoo
If you begin to struggle when tattooing, remind yourself why you want to tattoo and what does it mean to you once done.
2. Psychological preparation
You must be aware before tattoo that tattoo is neither easy nor especially painful. But you need to endure certain pain that everyone can endure.
tattoo model lean on the door
3. Feed yourself beforehand
Have a big meal before tattoo to boost and keep your blood sugar levels so that you can be energetic in the next hours.
 4. Prepare snacks
If you feel uncomfortable during the tattoo, go to eat sugary snacks, for the tattoo will let your blood sugar down. This is to avoid some unnecessary side effects.
tattoo model glasses

5. Keep your body hydrated
Keeping your body hydrated can help increase the physical fitness and ink absorption of the skin to relax your body during a tattoo.
6. Wear loose and comfortable clothes
Wear loose and comfortable clothes as much as possible to get you relaxed. Tight clothes tend to get you more nervous when you are in pain.
kneeling tattoo model
7. Think positively
You will be proud of your cool new tattoo and way. Breakthrough yourself!
8. Keep a good physical condition
If you are ill, the pain will increase. Good physical condition can reduce pain.
tattoo model shower
9. Distract attention
Distraction works well. You can just chat with friends, listen to music and audiobook or watch TV.  Keep your thoughts away from the pain for a while.
10. Appropriate breaks
Appropriate breaks to refect can help you relax. But don't take breaks frequently, which will suggest you give up.
tattoo model on the rock
11. Practice controlling breathing and meditation
Try to take as deep a breath as possible and focus on your breathing only. Take 10 deep breaths, calculate each breath, and repeat.
12. Have a good sleep before the tattoo
Have a good sleep to ensure the best condition for tattoo the next day.
tattoo man on the sofa
13. Hold something in your hand

Clenching the fists when in pain can also reduce tattoo pain. (But do not use your fists to attack the tattooist !)
tattoo model and dog in the open.jpg

Reprinted from this blog: https://wormholetattoosupply.com/blogs/news



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