If you also want to learn about tattoo or want to be a tattoo artist, I will give several common tips to keep going with your dream.

Things you should know before learning how to tattoo!
The only thing you have to realize before, it is so much risky than you ever thought, All the tattoo supply has to be sterilized. Unsafe tattoo supply will make your skin infections and even fester. And there is much more “knowing the right machine speed.”
For example, you go in too deep, the person you are tattooing will end up feeling a lot of pain, and you may even scar them.

Please do not do practice with the real HUMAN SKIN
In order to find the right approach you have to do a lot of practice on the artificial skin and with some fresh fruits, please do not do practice with the real HUMAN SKIN.
he more you practice, the better you will get at this. You don’t need to worry too much, as long as you have a good focus and a steady hand, the results can be very well worth it!

Tattoo kit preparation
When you’re starting out you’ll be tuning and tearing down your machines, so get something affordable, but reliable to get you through your first few years. You will also want to make sure that you use high-quality tattoo inks. Also, do keep in mind that some people have irritations and allergies, so these can play a role in the entire experience too.

Get the best-sterilized products
Except for the techniques, you also should focus on the cleanness of the working environment and sterilization of the equipment. Since the tattooing process can lead to spreading some blood-borne infections, it’s crucial to handle it with the attention and focus on safety. We recommend you to purchase things like new tattooing needles, rubber gloves, disposable ink container, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and get your Bloodborne pathogen certification, even if it isn’t required in your state. These are very important, and they will make it easier for you to prevent any potential problems that may appear. Sterilization is VERY important when you want to be a tattoo artist!

Learn how to design the tattoo
Experimentation is crucial here. Try to first find some good designs on the Internet and check them out. The idea is to start easy all the time. Since you’re not a professional tattoo artist, for now, you don’t need to learn the latest tattoo techniques. The idea is to start from the beginning and focus on things that are rather simple to do. This way you get to create a simple tattoo, but this will be the first step towards something more complicated. A good idea here is to maintain a good attention on designs like hearts, crosses, stars, line drawings and maybe even some letters. Things like these are very easy to do most of the time, and they give you a solid foundation on which to build.

The Internet will be a very good source for tattoo designs. The reason is simple, lots of artists are sharing ideas here, and you can always take some ideas from them and adapt as you see fit. Don’t just “copy” them, study why you like their design, how can you incorporate similar elements into your own work?

Prepare the body and the area that will be tattooed
After doing a lot of practice on artificial skins or fruits, you try to do real skin. In order to do tattooing on the real skin, you have to prepare your body or the body of your client, depending on who you are tattooing. The idea is to make sure that the person who gets the tattoo doesn’t drink any alcohol for at least a day before the process. Also, they need to stay away from any painkillers or medicines that end up thinning their blood. If you start tattooing, you need to be sure that all of these things stay away. As we mentioned above, you also need to properly prepare that particular area. A good idea here is to shave the entire area. We recommend you to use a fresh blade, as this will make the entire process a lot easier to do and the value on its own will be a lot better. Plus, a higher quality razor will come in handy here. You don’t need to have even a strand of hair when you start tattooing. This is one of the most important tattoo techniques to focus on, to remove all hair before the entire process, and to wipe them down with alcohol.

What you have to realize about tattooing is that this will require a lot of time and effort. It will not work very well most of the time, and it doesn’t get to provide you with the results that you may need. But it can be a wonderful career, and you always get to do what you like. If you always wanted to learn how to become a tattoo artist, just follow these instructions and do self-study, make sure you do a lot of practice before doing on the real skin, you will reach that point.

Reprinted from this blog: https://wormholetattoosupply.com/blogs/news