
Tattoo Pain Chart on Different Body Parts

Tattoo pain levels can be considered as 4 levels. Some places are not allowed to tattoo because it may cause death. The more pain lever is something you cannot be bearable. 
tattoo pain leveltattoo pain level
You can bear it but you had better bring something to bite on if you get on inner arms, inner thighs, and elbows.
tattoo pain level
It’s fine to get a tattoo on outer arms, outer thighs, and back. You can bear it, but you need strong faith.
tattoo pain level
The pain is hard to bear for you if you get a tattoo on parts such as head, neck, armpits, chest, feet bottom, front hands, and knees. 
tattoo pain level           
The most important is that don't go to private parts. It may cause death.
tattoo pain level

Refer to: https://wormholetattoosupply.com/blogs/news/tattoo-pain-chart-on-different-body-parts



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