
The Difference Between A Tattoo Machine And A Tattoo Pen


Tattoo machines and tattoo pens

Tattoo machines and tattoo pens in addition to their appearance are obviously different, their construction and transmission are also different. The tattoo machine is summarized as a traditional tattoo machine, also called a coil machine. It uses the principle of electromagnetism to move the needle up and down by spraying and sucking the solenoid. The tattoo pen drive mode is motor. It drives the drive rod through the motor and then drives the needle up and down to make the power more evenly. 


 The needles used by the two machines are different. Traditional tattoo machines have long needle handles, relatively inexpensive needles, and short needles for tattoo pens, which are easy to replace and are slightly more expensive.

Tattoo needles for coil tattoo machines

Tattoo Cartridges Needles
 Cartridge needles for tattoo pens

Tattoo Cartridges Needles

Both machines have their advantages and disadvantages. The traditional machine needles are well-colored and controlled, making light transitions natural and easy to master with traditional large-area coloring. The disadvantages are the change of needles, the troubles of adjusting the machines, the weight of the machines, and the poor control of the machines. They are divided into two types: secant shade and shading. At least two or more machines are required to work. Because there is no shrapnel, the wormhole tattoo pen is strong in the skin, and it is easy to have a needle mark in a light color. It needs a certain skill and time to adapt. But the body is light and easy to change needles, an excellent wormhole tattoo pen can be suitable for a variety of styles. The wormhole tattoo pen is also the future trend of tattoo tools. After all, relative to others, easy to operate and improved work efficiency is the trend.

WormholePRO Virgo
 If you want to buy the related equipment, please contact the wormhole as soon as possible.
Article from wormholetattoo.com



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